Thursday, May 5, 2016

Not Ash...Snow?

I frowned, pushing my hands into the odd white substance. It was cold. Freezing to the touch. I jerked back. "What in the world is this?" I muttered.
"Snow." The young girl said raising an eyebrow. "Surely you've seen snow before. Frozen water. Comes in winter."
I frowned.
"Ash comes in winter, nothing else. It's a time of burning." I said grabbing a handful of the stuff. Even the rivers in the Spring didn't run this cold.
"Burning?" She asked in askance. "No, fires hardly burn here. It's too cold."
"Well they burn where I'm from." I said the crinkle between my eyes getting deeper. "It doesn't get this cold either."

-Inspiration from watching Narina -all the snow.

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