Sunday, September 11, 2016

In the Eye

I believe it was my contact lens.

As this morning, I put it in in a hurry so I could make it to church.
But somehow there was a little tiny spec of irritant somewhere either on the lens or my eye.
That made wearing the contact rather jarring, like an eyelash that just won't leave the eye.

I wasn't able to fix it for a while though.
So I had to deal with my eye feeling irritated.
Which probably tensed up my muscles a bit.

But events in Church just added upon the tension already experienced.
Where we had to do group work. -which I hate-
And the tenseness of having to socialize in a new situation.
Plus the fact that I was hungry.

Resulted in me having a headache that's kept me in bed for most of the day. *shakes head*

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