Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Unwilling to Understand

It was the woman on the phone.

I had to call one of our adoption partners today at work.
To let her know that our other adoption partner had been delayed today in picking up her cats from  us because she was sick. So she wouldn't be able to come in and bring her cats to us just yet.

I expected her to be understanding of the situation.
After all. Our other adoption partner lives three hours away from us.
The woman on the phone lived in the valley. So a near drive.

But she wasn't happy at all.
It's 'her month'
'her time'
'That group always over stays and I end up with a short month!'
"what am I supposed to do with the cats! I was going to bring them up today, now they have to go back to the shelter!"
"I'm very unhappy with this! You let Head Manager know that I'm very upset!"
"I want my cats in there by Thursday!"

Can you tell that it wasn't a fun 15 minute phone call.
Because it wasn't fun at all.

Her negative energy was strongly emanating over the phone.
Which I did not like at all.
It was just stressful overall.
And left a bad feeling hanging over me.

So I ended up with a tension headache.
Thankfully, I was able to get rid of it before I left work, with some meds and some pressure points.

But it didn't leave me with good feelings towards the Adoption Partner.
I'm trying to stay away from Negative Energy, I don't need people bringing it to me.

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