Monday, September 26, 2016

The Old Couple

It was the old couple.
I don't know why it was the old couple.
But for some reason it was them that caused my headache today.

They were looking at the cats wanting to get a new one.
So I was like "Okay, which one do you want to look at?"
"We want to look at the cats."
"Which ones?"
"These ones?"
"I can only bring out one cat at a time, which one did you want to look at first?"
"We want to look at a cat."
"But which one?"
"I don't know. Which one should we look at?"

That was the conversation!

All I needed to know was which of the 10 cats we had, did they want to look at first.
I was alright with them looking at more than one. They just needed to pick one.

But they were so wishy washy with decisions trying to convince each other that they should be the one to choose.

That it just got on my nerves.

It got further on my nerves when they were having trouble figuring out how to open the cages, and the guy kept getting his fingers stuck in the door of the kennel they'd bought.

Plus the fact that I had to repeat instructions multiple times in order for them to understand, and then they still didn't truly understand.

It was just a stressful situation where their energy and interactions with me just was...bad.

And I've had a headache since that point that will. not. go. away. >.<

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