Saturday, September 10, 2016

Too Poor To Rob pt2

My fingers hesitated over the numbers.
Should I call? I mean, what would I tell the police? 'Hi, I came home and there was a burglar in my house, but he didn't steal anything, because I don't have anything to steal, so he said he'd be back.'
Oh yah, that would get me laughed at. Why would a burglar return to a place that had nothing to steal?
I sat on the floor, the blanket that was my bed not doing much to hide the chill of the night. I glanced to the windows, to the door. Was the burglar actually coming back? He had to be kidding....right?

I jumped as the door suddenly swung open. "Oi mate, why'd you lock it? I told you I'd be back." The burglar said as he peered his masked face in. "Didja call the coppers?"
I quickly lowered my phone, as I got to my feet. "No..." I said slowly, stunned he actually came back.
"Good. One sec." He disappeared into the darkness. "Hey fellas! Coast is clear!" I heard him call.
Fellas? "Hey, Wait!" I took a step, but froze as more people than the place probably could hold streamed into the doorway, chattering over the top of each other, their hands full of..... furniture?

-Inspiration from Tumblr post

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