Sunday, September 25, 2016

No Feast For Thee

My stomach had kept up a continuous growl for the last ten minutes it felt like. And for good reason too. I'd been stuck in the kitchen for the last four hours slaving away at the fire that was used to cook most of the meat for tonight's celebratory feast.
Would I see a scrap of food?
Slaves didn't get feast food. They got whatever rotten garbage happened to fall into the trash heap. You can't imagine how sick I was of soggy green beans. If I never had to eat another one in my life it would be too soon.
Too soon, but it would more than likely be what I would find on the trash heap tonight once I was allowed to rest.
I jerked back, coughing as one of the logs in the fire snapped, sending a cloud of soot my way.
"Oi! Boy! Don't get soot in those cakes or I'll skin you alive!" The cook snapped at me.
"Aye, aye." I managed, ducking back closer to the flames to ensure the 'precious' cakes weren't 'damaged' by soot. They'd only been in the fire for a few minutes, now that the meat had been sent out for the main course of the feast.
It wasn't like the Old Geezer had enough taste left on his tongue to know when soot touched his mouth. The spices on the meat had been intensified over the last six months for that very reason.
 I rolled my eyes, ducking away from the heat. "They're fine, Cook." I called, and for my efforts earned a smack on the head with her favorite wooden spoon.
"Get out of my way." She snapped, pulling the cakes closer to her and inspecting them herself.
I scooted backwards, glad to get away from the heat for a few minutes, eying the cooks wide backside as I did so. One good shove with my foot and she'd be eating cake instead of serving it.
My hands clenched. No, I didn't need a night in the Well right now.
She turned to me with a glower. "Be more careful." She snapped, returning to the rest of the kitchen tasks.
"Aye" I said, kneeling back down at the fire to fan the flames. I'd been careful in the first place, it wasn't like I'd purposely chose for the log to snap right then.

-Inspiration from cooking dinner tonight. (Note: No, I didn't feel like a slave, the food was delicious, and the roommates very appreciative.)

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