Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Quick Assumption

At first glance she appeared to be young, fresh out of High School, too young to be among us who had already graduated from College and begun our careers. Her eyes were as bright as her smile, but I couldn't help and think that she wouldn't last. How could this young thing hope to compete and be considered our equals? 
And then I spoke to her. Met those eyes up close and personal.
And realized that I had been too quick to judge. Her eyes were sharp, a single look at me and I felt like she'd already unlocked all my secrets, knew my strengths and my flaws, yet her smile said she didn't care. She had taken me into account and figured out how I could fit in the puzzle she was delicately balancing in her head. No, after two minutes of being in her presence and within thirty seconds of beginning our conversation I knew I'd been too quick to judge. There was wisdom to her, a feeling of age of maturity. If she was 18 then she was the most mature 18 year old I had met in recent years. But somehow, I felt she was our age. Even though she didn't look it. Maybe...maybe she wouldn't be so quick to fold around us. Perhaps she, in time, would be the one to direct us all. 

-Inspiration from a conversation 

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