Monday, March 5, 2018

Barking Irritation

I'm really hoping that March isn't trying to mimic January. 
Because ending up with another headache today is totally not ideal. 
It's horrible.

*shakes head*

I'm guessing the major cause of this headache was stress.
As a project I finished and expected to do well and get a lot of feedback on.....
Is giving me very little feedback.
So I'm being plagued with the usual self doubts that accompany that sort of thing. 
Worry that I'm not good enough, that I'm a failure, that I did something completely wrong.....

It's kinda an overreaction really. I recognize that not everything I write will get the same amount of applause as previous works...
But it's stressing me that this one...this project that I loved working apparently doing poorly. 

So that was the stressor niggling in the back of my mind today.

And due to me suffering from headaches the past two days....
It's not like my energy reserves are all that high either. 

So the tipping point to the ache behind my eyes??
A stupid dog barking at work. 

Honestly, I don't get how customers can just let their dogs bark and bark and bark and bark and bark and bark and bark and you know....just let their pet bark their heads off without making any effort to stop it.
Like do customers not realize how annoying it is?

And this dog was particularly frustrating because the barking went on for 15 minutes at least it felt like.
And the dog had such good control over it's vocal quality that it managed to echo LOUDLY through the entire store. 
So no matter where you were standing, you could hear the stupid barking as if it were right next to you.
And it was frustrating to me because like...I have a quite voice.
And that dog barked so loudly that I couldn't even hear my self speaking. 
Which when I'm trying to tell customers about their pets and things that the store can do for them and our return policy....
It's freaking difficult to do.
And only increases my stress and frustration.
So it's not surprising that I ended up with a headache just from that because a) Loud. Repetitive Noises. and b) irritation/tension building.

*shakes head*

It's still here unfortunately. 
The headache.
It went away for a little bit, but is again making it's comeback. *exhales* 

Hopefully some sleep tonight will help it vanish. Hopefully

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