Tuesday, March 20, 2018

In the House

I ended up with a headache today.
Which I'm pretty sure was because one of my roommate's was super stressing over a date with a guy she was going on later tonight.
And was like...just going over worst case scenarios with another roommate who I could also sense was beginning to stress over the whole situation. 

So like the energy in the whole house has been...tense. Like a rubberband about to snap.

And I so wasn't prepared to deal with that kind of stress. 
So it overwhelmed me. Tensed me up. Gave me a headache where it was difficult to be in the same room as the other two because AHHHH. STRESS. 

Thankfully it looks like taking some Excedrin along with a little Dr. Pepper an a heatpack along with a nice distraction of watching The Greatest Showman helped to make the tension fade and the headache go away.

So yay. ^^;; 

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