Saturday, March 24, 2018

You Do It

"You can super glue it on." I told her, as I struggled to maneuver the case onto a cart, careful to not let the door that refused to stay shut, hit me. 
"Why can't you do that though?" She demanded, hands on her hips. "You guys broke it! You should fix it!" 
I worked to keep a frown from forming, as I finally got the case in place. "We don't carry super glue here, or any glue." I told her as patiently as I could. "Which is why you got the discount."
"But it's broken! You should fix it!"
I inhaled deeply through my nose. Why was the woman not understanding. "If I had glue we would have fixed it, but we don't have glue, hence why we gave you the discount so you can use that money to fix it yourself." 

-Inspiration from a customer at work

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