Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Trigger Point

The setup for today's mind melt probably started yesterday.
Yesterday, where I had a stressful visit to the dentist.
Yesterday, where I basically ate only bread and nuts and probably not even enough of those to satisfy the needs of my body.
Yesterday, where I went out to a social situation where, while I had fun, I also was slightly stressed out by the strangers I had to interact and be surrounded by.

But the Trigger?
Started today at work. 
The Trigger happened in the beginning of my work shift,
When the store had only be open for like an hour maybe.
And I took a phone call for a customer who got miffed at us that we still didn't have a particular fish they were looking for in stock.
A customer who was like "Why do you even say you carry this fish if you don't have it?! Take down the tag if you don't have it!" 
And then hung up before I could properly explain why the fish weren't in stock.

A) More than likely our breeders don't have any ready right now or b) the cold weather snap we've been experiencing makes shipping said fish impossible if we want them to live.

But the negativity of the phone call.
Definitely was the trigger. 
As I was actually pretty energetic and happy before that point.
But then the tension hit. 
And despite my best efforts to eat food at work and take meds and rest with my eyes closed and a heat pack on my face to relax my muscles....
The headache never fully went away.
And about 45 minutes before I was spiked.
Going nuclear
To the point where I was nearly in tears
And ah. It was so difficult to continue to help customers and not show them how much agony I was in.
Seriously I just wanted to curl up in bed and die.

Which was basically what I did when I got home.
I took more meds, took a long hot shower, ate food -which my sister amazingly made for me- had multiple heat packs all over and crashed for a good couple of hours.

And thankfully that seems to have helped.
Getting more nutrients into my body.
Getting more rest.

The headache is still lingering barely the tiniest of bits there.
So hopefully I can keep it at bay and not have it come roaring back tomorrow.
*fingers crossed*

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