Wednesday, March 28, 2018

All the Things

It got worse today. *exhales* 
I woke up today with that familiar ache behind my eye.
The right eye specifically. 

I was hoping sleep would get rid of it.
But it didn't.
I tried Advil. 
Didn't work. 
Work itself didn't help much either. Sometimes the act of cleaning and taking care of the animals helps to work out my tense muscles so that I get rid of the headache. 

It didn't work.

A heat pack over the eyes while I rested during breaks. Some Coke (because Dr. Pepper wasn't helping) as a caffeine kick...helped a little.
The headache didn't disappear.
But the breaks helped to make it tolerable for the rest of work. 

I tried buying a bigger meal with some more protein after work. You know...eating more food, get more nutrients. 

Semi helped. 

But I came home, as my mind was tired. Eyes were I took a nap.

And the headache got like a hundred times worse. 
>.< Uuugggghhhhhhhhhh


So more heat packs.
Some Excedrin this time.
More Real Food.

And finally.

It seems like the headache has been vanquished.

Hopefully it stays that way.
Gone for a while longer.
And won't return tomorrow like it's done the past three days. 

*fingers crossed* 

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