Saturday, February 3, 2018

A Cursed Word

Sometimes I feel like there's a jinx involved when headaches are mentioned.
Because like it's often that people would be like "Do you have a headache?"
And I actually don't. 
And so I'm like "No I don't!" 
And do I tense myself up? With wondering. Do I have a headache? AM i going to GET a headache?
And therefore....
Give myself a headache?
All from someone just asking me if I had one?

*shakes head* 

Cus that's kinda what happened today at work.
one of my coworkers asked me if I had a migraine today.
And I was like "NOPE!" 
And then like not five minutes later....
I could feel a headache starting behind my eyes.

From tension?
It was a busy Saturday and I was tense and running all over and agh....

It was kinda just hovering there on the edges for like the last couple of hours of my shift.
And hit a bit stronger when I got home.
But thankfully some food, water, advil and an internet distraction made it go away quickly.

Maybe I should knock on wood next time someone brings up headaches.
To prevent me from getting one....

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