Friday, February 9, 2018

Me: Alright, now we just swoop in, rescue the person, and call it good!
Character: Alright, so what’s the plan?
Me: The plan?
Character: Yah, to rescue them. You have a plan right?
Me: ….we just go in and out. Simple.
Character: Simple?! No, that is not SIMPLE do you know how many issues there are with rescuing this character?! Tell me the plan.
Me: ….There isn’t one?
Character: ….You…put us…in this mess…Without A PLAN?! What sort of writer are you?
Me: One who was just trying to finish the story!
Character: *grumbling* No plan, how can we rescue them without a plan?
Me: *throws up hands* Fine. FINE. I’ll think of a plan.
Character: *smiles* Good. *two fingered salute* Let me know when you have this plan. I’ll be waiting.
Me: *groans and bangs head on desk*

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