Sunday, February 25, 2018

Here it Comes

I'm not that surprised to end up with a slight headache this evening.
Kinda expected it really.
I mean, I did stay up rather late last night working on a writing project. (yay getting the rough draft done!) 
Which is not a good idea when I can't sleep in the next day. (yay early morning church) But could I resist? Writing groove! 
But yah...not getting enough sleep isn't a good idea.
Add on top of that the slight stress that comes with interacting with people outside of work interactions and yah...
Yay tension.
Thankfully interacting wasn't so bad today. It was rather fun. :) Not as draining as it usually is. So Yay!!

But...I guess things just caught up to me. 
Because there's an ache forming behind my right eye. *exhales* Hopefully it doesn't get worse. Hopefully some rest will ensure that it isn't there in the morning. *fingers crossed* 

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