Wednesday, February 21, 2018

It Came Again

I ended up with a major headache last night/this morning.
Probably considered the migraine sort since it didn't want to go away. XP 
It made sleeping difficult for sure, this ache behind the left eye. 
It was hard to get comfortable.
Hard to rest easy. 
Meds weren't helping, a shower wasn't really helping, heat wasn't really helping.
But...I was trying.

I went to work anyways with this headache, cus yes I'm stubborn and I wasn't feeling as bad as a nuclear headache, even if it was a major headache.
Thankfully more meds, some caffeine and some more substantial food, along with a nap, and a soothing stone, helped it to go away this time. 

Honestly....I halfway think this one may have been caused from not enough food?
Like not enough substantial food to fuel the body with it's needs.
As I haven't gone grocery shopping recently, so I'm running low on foods to eat so I'm not eating as much....
That or I just signed myself up for a slightly stressful writing project and that was possibly stressing me out too...

At least the headache faded though. ^^;; 

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