Monday, February 5, 2018

Feeling Tension

My mind's been whirling today.
Full of ideas.
Full of possibilities

But also, filled with little worries.
Because I'm picking up on the manager's tension at work once more.
Because again the DM is coming to see the store.
And I don't get why everyone gets so worked up everytime about it?
It's become so commonplace it's like...not even worth the effort to freak out about it. 

Yet the tension was there.
And the need to do twelve things at once, definitely there.
So my mind's been whirling.
My body's been running.

So it's no surprise that my shoulders have been tensing.
And there's a growing ache behind my eyes. 

That sleep and food and drink and meds don't seem to be helping.
One of those wait it out type of headaches. 

So for now, I'm ignoring it.
Doing what I can to appease it.
And hope that it just...fades. 

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