Friday, June 15, 2018

Behind Both Eyes

I ended up with a headache towards the end of work today.
Not quite sure why.

It could be the usual work related headache of having to do too much customer service because Fridays and Saturdays are more geared towards helping people instead of doing tasks. 

Or it could be from not getting enough sleep/naps in the past handful of days. 

Who knows.
It was a major headache though.
A strong ache behind both eyes. 
That really left me with the impression that a bit of sleep would help it go away.
Sleep didn't help it.
It made it worse.
Which led me to believe it was tense muscles or not enough liquids/food so I ate something, took some Excedrin and then took a long hot shower to relax my muscles.

And thankfully something in that combination worked.
Because even though it was gearing up to be a major nuclear headache.
It's gone now. 

^^;; Woot. 

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