Monday, June 25, 2018

The Regular

He couldn't help but glance at the clock even though he'd looked at it only two seconds before. 
She was late.
He returned his attention to the till in front of him, breathing out a slow count of seven before forcing himself to inhale again.
She was late.
Why had he expected her to be on time the one day he'd made the effort to prepare her smoothie for her ahead of time. If she took any longer--
The bell dinged.
He looked up, forgetting to breathe as the redhead walked through the door, her green eyes sparking as her lips pulled apart in a hundred watt smile. "Hi!" She greeted him.
"H-Hi." He internally kicked himself for stuttering. "Your usual?" He managed to ask more normally as he swallowed over the lump in his throat. 
If anything she smiled wider. "You remembered?!" 
Of course he remembered, how could he forget when her order always was accompanied by that smile. "Mmmmm $5.67 is the total." 
She nodded, pulling out her wallet and blinked in surprise as he handed her her drink in exchange for her card, quickly swiping it through the register before she could do more than pull the drink back to her chest. 
"Oh. Uh....thanks!" She said ducking her head a blush spreading across her cheeks. "I...I really appreciate it."
He gave a little two fingered salute as she turned away. "No problem." He mumbled, watching her hair bounce as she pushed through the doors. It was worth it to see that smile. 

-Inspiration from customer interactions

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