Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sticking Out

The place is fuller than I expected it to be when I enter the room. More people were gathered, which, in a way was a good thing. Because that meant that I, a stranger, could blend in a little more. In small groups it was harder to hide. But a larger group, oh yes, I could blend in quite nice---
I froze as eyes turned towards me, suddenly conscious of the clothing I was wearing, wondering if I stood out that much as an outsider as those eyes judged me and then looked away.
Had I been deemed acceptable? Was I included? Or would I be the outcast still? 
With heart pounding in my chest, I silently take a seat, careful to not make eye contact again. It only had to be for a little bit, then I'd probably never see these people again. I could do this...maybe....if they would all quit staring at me. 

-Inspiration from church musings

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