Monday, June 4, 2018

You Have One?

So for the past couple of days, I've been dealing with the after effects of nearly having our house burn down due to a brush fire that started behind us.
The main after effect being that our house ended up getting filled with smoke from the flames. 

So when we walked inside our house, it would smell like a campfire and such.

It was really strong the first night, 
But we managed to get the smell mostly gone the second day.
And today there was a deeper clean done on the house to get rid of the final smoke stuff. 

And of the people helping us clean asked me if I'd been suffering from Migraines due to the smoke.

Which I actually hadn't.
Like I'd gotten faint aches here and there.
But I was quick enough to realize that I just needed to move to a place with cleaner non smokey air to have that twinge go away.

What is interesting though, is that It seems like whenever someone asks me: "Do you have a headache?" or "How are your headaches going?" And I actually haven't been suffering from one....

That I end up getting one later on.

It's like a trigger or something. Who knows. It stresses me out to think about headaches and so therefore I give myself a headache because I tensed myself?


Though I do kinda think that the current headache that's settling in behind my right eye might be more from exhaustion than anything.
Since I haven't been able to get enough sleep the past couple of days.
It wouldn't surprise me if tonight's headache was caused by that.

Which is why I'm going to try and head to bed sooner rather than later so that I can hopefully get this headache gone. 

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