Monday, October 3, 2016

If I Ever -Book Signings

If I Ever release a book.

You know, if I ever write the book in the first place, get it published, and then go to signings....

If I ever write enough books to become popular .....

It would be fun to have a bit of fun with my fans.

I mean, most of my struggles with writing is that I have troubles picking one plotline to use for a story. There are often alternate endings, changes of behavior, different actions, different orders the scenes could go in...

That it would be fun to have all these "Alternate" things written up and probably nicely bound...
Waiting for the moment.

When my fans are like "Please tell me that SoandSo didn't die."
"Did you ever consider having So and So do this instead?"

Like you know the meme of:
*slides $20 across the table* "So and so didn't die."

-The bribe meme?

It would be fun if I ever become famous and a fan of mine did that.
For me to take the money, wink at them.
Reach into my bag of envelopes.
Pull out the envelop that deals with the questions they asked.
Like preventing a character death.

And slide it over to them.
"Tell no one." I would say.
And let them discover this alternate reality.

I believe it would be a ton of fun.
Though hard to keep up with if all the fans eventually figured out that I had alternate reality extras they could have if given the right bribe.

Which leads me to thinking more complex thoughts like....
How much they bribe me with depends on how much of an alternate situation I reveal to them....

Twould be interesting.

For sure though, I'm definitely going to save those random scenes that don't make the cut, the POVs that I didn't end up using, the alternate death scenes....

For a moment like that.
When I become famous.

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