Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Justs Have It

He sat in the back of the class, bundled up in a sweatshirt, his face resting in his hands, hiding his features.
It wasn't enough for me to not recognize him though. I'd gotten quite the jolt when I'd happened to look up and see him walking by me in the hall.
After all, it wasn't everyday somebody famous passed by you.

But looking at him now, I could only guess that he wanted to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Not being famous myself, I had no real idea how much strain it had to be to have fans, people like me, constantly fawning over him. To have him constantly having to keep a smile on his face.

Really, he looked exhausted. Had he been up late working on set? I bit my tongue as I slid into the seat next to him. "Mind if I sit here?" I asked instead. Surprising myself at how nonchalant I managed to sound.
He shrugged. "Go'hed" he mumbled.
"Thanks." I shot him a smile and pulled out my books, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.
I'd never been so close to a celebrity. Sitting next to him for the next hour. It was any fan's dream come true.

Probably his nightmare though.
I clicked my tongue, holding myself in check.
Don't be creepy. I told myself.
Act normal.
Be casual.
"What's your name?" I asked to be friendly, mentally cursing myself. Idiot. Everyone probably knew his name.
The look he shot me told me he thought the same thing. "Jake." He said in an undertone.
"Short for Jacob?"
"No, just Jake."
"Ah, cool, that's like me. I'm Beth. Just Beth. Not short for Elizabeth." I made a face. "You wouldn't believe how tired I am of being called Lizzy..." I cut off, feeling my cheeks heating up. "Sorry." I turned back to my notebook, pen in hand. "You probably didn't need to know that." Shut up Beth. I scolded myself. I didn't need to be the rambling idiot here. I was already the idiot who asked Jake Riles his name.
His quiet chuckle caught me by surprise. "Just Beth huh."
I ducked my head. "Well, yah, Just Jake. It's just Beth." I snapped my mouth shut, cursing myself. Why couldn't I think before I spoke. "I'll shut up now." I muttered.
"I don't see why you have to." He said with a shrug. "Teacher isn't here yet."
I glanced at him sideways, biting my lip. "Doesn't mean I need to talk to fill the time though....especially since you look like two shots of expresso short of awake."
He raised an eyebrow, running a hand through his blonde hair, making it look all the more attractive. "That bad huh?"
"Yah, Just Jake. You working on applying for the next Zombie Apocalypse or something?" I gave him a once over. "You need more bruising on the face to join their ranks I think."
"And how would you know Just Beth?"
I waved a hand nonchalantly. "Oh you know....I just...know."

-Inspiration from seeing a semi-famous person at church today. No, I did not sit by him nor did I talk to him. But yes, he looked really tired.

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