Saturday, October 22, 2016


They probably thought I was dead.
If they even knew I was missing in the first place.
Again, I cursed my bad luck that I'd lost my phone while hiking.
If only that Bee hadn't come out of nowhere and startled me.
If only I hadn't been standing so close to the edge.
If only...
Ifs weren't getting me out of my predicament.

I exhaled wearily looking up at the sun, blinking to get the two of them to become one.

I should have stayed put after I'd woken up from my fall.
I shouldn't have had so much confidence in myself, in knowing what direction to go.

Now I was lost.

I exhaled, leaning against a tree, my broken arm held close to my side.
How many days had passed now?
How lost could I be to have days pass without me finding my car?

I sank to the ground, closing my eyes.
Help would come soon.
It had to.
Someone would find me.
They would.
I just had to hold on a while longer.

-Inspiration from seeing a news story about a missing hiker.

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