Friday, October 21, 2016

The Maze

The Corn Stalks whispered amongst themselves.
Guarding the path that had been created through them with all diligence they could muster.
The sunflowers, the original guardians, were long dead. Their burnt out faces still desperately trying to find the sun that had long abandoned them.
Now, all that remained was darkness, for the corn could grow in the moonlight where the sunflowers could not.
Silent they waited.
Silently they guarded the path.
Waiting to see, if any of the souls that wandered among them would find the key.
Solve the mystery.
And bring the sun back once again.
So far none had done so.
Many had perished.
But still, the corn held out onto hope.
The corn remembered the sun.
Soon, soon they would feel it's rays again.
Once the key was found.

-Inspiration from wandering around a Corn maze.

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