Monday, October 17, 2016

Waking the Dead

It was the Dishwasher.
We have a noisy dishwasher.
One that groans loud enough to wake the dead whenever you open or close the thing.

Usually it's not an issue to have it open and close that loudly.
Because it only happens every now and then.

But today, while I was trying to take a nap,
My roommates decided that they needed to do the dishes.

Which usually means opening and closing the dishwasher.

But for some reason.
Whoever was upstairs.

Opened and closed that dishwasher at least thirty times it sounded like.
Open and shut.
Open and shut
Open and shut.

Squeaky squeaky squeaky.

Multiple times in a row.
It was like my roommate/s would put something in the dishwasher, close it, then find another dish to place in there so they'd open/shut it again, only to find another dish!
It kept going on for like ten minutes it felt like.

Irritating me to death.
Because why couldn't they just leave the dishwasher open, check to make sure all the dishes are placed inside, and then close it.
And if I was making something, I'd gather all the dirty dishes together first and then open the dishwasher and place it all in.

*shakes head*
In any case.
The repeated groaning/squeaking of the dishwasher.
Was irritating enough to give me a headache.

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