Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A Steady Increase

It came on during work.
I'm not quite sure why. 
A reaction to a bad dream?
A reaction to slight stress at work?

Who knows.
But the headache began to make it's presence known just after I finished my first 15 minute break of the day.
So I went to take preventative measures. Taking an Advil and putting on some essential oils. 

Which helped a little.

But towards lunchtime it was coming back.

So I took a nap for my break, and some more advil and more essential oils.

But it was steadily getting stronger as the shift progressed.

So after work I went to a fast food place nearby home to get some hot maybe I needed more meat in my system or something, as well as a Dr. Pepper because Caffeine.
And came home, ate, drank the Dr. Pepper, heated up a heat pack, grabbed some Excedrin and took a brief nap.

It's helped kinda.
The headache's faded a bit, but still tends to get randomly stronger for a bit before fading again. 
Hopefully sleep tonight will make the last of it go away.

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