Tuesday, May 15, 2018


I woke up with a headache this morning. *exhales* 
Which Why??? 

*shakes head*
It was probably a combination of not having enough liquids/foods and not getting enough sleep.
As I neglected to take a long nap yesterday, and I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the night before. Plus, I was writing. And writing always makes me tense. 

So the fact I woke up with a headache. Not fun.
So I took some meds. Grabbed a heatpack. And drank a bit of water.

And for a while it helped. The exercise at work too helped.

But then the headache came back...
And stuck around. 
Which wasn't fun.

It only went away after I went out and grabbed a ginormous snow cone and downed the entire thing.
Then. It went away.

So maybe I was just thirsty after all.... ^^;; 

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