Saturday, May 5, 2018

Too Much Noise

I ended up with a headache at work today.

It started out faint, mostly because I got quickly irritated by customers who a) came into the store right at opening and b) weren't hearing a word that I was saying and so therefore kept asking me the same question like they were expecting a different result.
So needless to say...
It tensed me up because I don't like it when a) people come unexpectedly needing a lot of help and b) customers don't listen to me. 

I figured some Excedrin would do the job. 
Which it probably would have helped much quicker....
If on my lunch break there hadn't been a ton of people in the breakroom.
(As they were doing a bit of a party today so people were constantly coming and going to get food.) 

And like most party places filled with food....
People like to chat. 

Which again, not a big deal.
Except my head manager was in the break room at that point.
And they were in quite the chatty mood.
And they have a voice that can't really ignore.

(I still did my best) 

Only the manager seemed to be in a loop mode today.
As they kept stating the same three basic concepts (in slightly different ways) over and over and over like a broken record player.
Which involved a) Saying how much they loved one of our groomer's salsa and their cooking, b) that red velvet cake is amazing and everyone should eat some and c) how much they shouldn't eat anymore, but they were going to eat more anyways.

*exhales* Which yah, I got it the first two times. But seriously. Did you have to keep saying the same three things over and over for my entire lunch break?

I wanted to just relax and unwind for a bit, and instead I just ended up with more tension and irritation because I couldn't have a moment of silence. *exhales* 

So I took some more Excedrin, used an essential oils blend on my neck to try and help me relax, and went back to work.

Thankfully, that helped to relieve the headache.

Though it did venture back for a little while later this evening, but a heat pack on the aching shoulder too helped make that go away. 

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