Thursday, May 24, 2018

Work Stress

I ended up with a headache while at work today.
I tried to prevent it by first getting some caffeine...but after that wasn't helping I took some Excedrin and rested with my heatpack....and then came home and took a nap.

It's still ongoing....

And really, I probably ended up with this one because of stress. 
I came into work a little earlier than normal which probably didn't help.
But my manager was stressed out because he had like 12 things to do and it was only him available to do it as all our other normal morning people (aka the stockers) are out on vacation, injury, or sick. 
So he was stressing about getting everything done.
Add on top of that the fact that two of our groomers called off at work and the third was late showing up....
It wasn't an easy day for him for sure. 

And I probably just....ended up getting buffeted with that energy a bit too much today and it gave me a headache.

Add onto that that I ended up dealing with a stressful customer over the phone towards the end of the day...and it's really no surprise that I ended up still having the headache this evening. 

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