Friday, May 11, 2018

Woken Again

Hmmm It's the Third day in a row that I've woken up with a headache. 

And now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm perhaps reacting to the tense energy of one of my roommates.
As she's under a lot of stress involving a momentous occasion happening on the morrow, and I could see that energy infiltrating the house, especially when I'm only really in proximity with her currently when we're both home sleeping.....
So perhaps it's that stress/tension that's been causing my morning headaches the past few days.

Though if it's not that....
It's either because of the shifting weather that's been doing it's typical spring "hot cold" thing. 
Or I've been sleeping tense for other reasons.

At least heat and meds seem to be helping currently.
So yay. :) 

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