Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Dish Discovery

Sooo apparently no one at work likes to do Dishes.
Because there was a stack nearly to the ceiling when I got into work this morning.
I nearly just turned around and went home.
But that would just mean an even higher stack tomorrow morning.
Sooo I did them. Every rotting, dirty, smelly, crusted dish there was.

I was about halfway down the stack, when I saw something moving.
Of course I freaked out.
The dish area is in this nice cobwebby back narrow space. And I totally thought it was a black widow coming to attack me! (I need to get the guy who cleans the floors to clean that back.)
I totally screamed to high heaven.
Tristen came running to my rescue.
-At least he redeems his 'annoying' qualities when he does that.

He snooped around, saw something (as I was cowering in a corner) and pulled out this huge bearded dragon!
You know what he said? "Oh there you are Fernandez!"

Yah! Tristen has a name for this random bearded dragon that was loose in the store!
The thing was huge!
Compared to the itty bitty things we get in? A monster!

Yah, apparently they had a bearded dragon go missing over a year ago.
And they'd seen it occasionally, out of reach.
I'd never seen Tristen smile so big.
He actually gave me a big bear hug.
Literally I couldn't breathe.
You know why?
Because Harvey had told Tristen that if he managed to catch this loose lizard in the store, he could keep it as a pet.
And surprisingly, Tristen really wanted one as a pet.
I don't understand it.
But hey. Whatever floats his boat.
So now, there's a bearded dragon living with us at our home.
Harvey is furious. But frankly, getting into Tristen's "do not tease/play jokes on" list is totally worth a bit of Harvey fury.

Good thing I did those dishes huh? Otherwise the lizard would have disappeared once more.


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