Friday, September 13, 2013


The perfect day. Switching out the stuff in the hamster cages taking no time at all. Department open a whole hour early. Me, being left with nothing to do besides standing there and looking pretty when the doors open.

I wish.
Can I just say that yesterday...was awful?
It was awful all the way from a to l.

Nothing went right.

It started when I woke in the early early a.m. hours, unable to sleep.
Feeling totally sick.
I mean, I woke up and literally had to run to the bathroom, sick.
The I can barely stand up straight sick.
The I should have just rolled over and gone back to bed sick.

But I didn't.

No, I somehow managed to drive myself to work.
Frankly, I don't remember anything between shutting the front door, and walking into the store.
I hope I didn't hit anyone. My car is undamaged, so I'm assuming not.

Back to the story.
I could barely stand up straight.
My vision kept fuzzing.
My stomach was rebelling.
I had chills, hot flashes.
My head was aching.
Ugh. It was just awful.

One of the worst flus I'd ever had.
And...I couldn't leave work.
Everyone was depending on me.
I was going to be the only one in charge of the animals until after lunch time!
No one could come in and cover me. And I couldn't leave the poor animals not fed, or cared for.

So I kept working.

Does it not come as a surprise that I didn't finish?

I was in the middle of pulling a Syrian hamster cage out of it's slot.
When my vision went black.
Vaguely I heard glass shattering.

I can only guess that I fainted.

Okay, I thought I'd died really.
Because in my blackened world I heard this honey like voice calling my name. "Karen!"
Surely only the angels had a voice like that. It definitely wasn't Harvey.
"Karen." It came again.
I felt pressure on my shoulders. Something warm under my head.
My eyelids fluttered, and I caught a glimpse of an angel's face. A flash of teeth from a warm smile of relief.
And then all thoughts of me being dead faded as my stomach once more rebelled against me. I mean, come on. You can't be sick when you're dead. So I was totally alive. I groaned, barely aware of fingers running through my hair. I had to get up. I had broken a cage. I needed to clean up the mess. And the hamster...I'm sure there was a hamster in the cage.
I tried to roll onto my hands and knees. But the pressure on my shoulders stopped me. "Karen, lay still. You're not well."
My eyes were refusing to open, but with weak hands I tried to push the angel's hands away. Stupid me. I should have just laid there. "No!" I complained faintly. "I have to work!"
"You don't."
I did. "I do!" -On retrospect, I totally sounded like a complaining two year old refusing to go to bed.
"At least take a break." he said trying a different tact.
"I don't have TIME!" I tried to yell. It came out hysterical. "I have to open the department. Harvey will be here any moment. I need to work!"
"You can't work when you can barely stand up."
I opened my eyes long enough to glare up at the angel face, with his dark chocolate hair, and milk chocolate eyes. (yes, he made me think of chocolate. I'm not obsessed with the stuff or anything...) "I ca--" another wave of nausea hit me, cutting my half of the argument short. I again closed my eyes to get the dancing stars out of my line of vision. I was totally screwed. Totally, totally screwed. I knew I couldn't work like this. Whatever I had was only getting worse. "I..Harvey. He's expecting me to work. I can't take a break." I whispered.
And wouldn't you know it. This guy I had never seen before, swept me off my feet...okay off the ground. As I was sprawled out on it, my head resting in his lap, or had been. The spinning world only spun worse with that movement and I buried against his chest. Yes. I was screwed. My one chance to impress Harvey. Totally gone. 

I heard the door to the bird enclosure open and the angel placed me down on something soft. -A dog bed. I don't know how he got it into the enclosure or when.-
"Harvey won't think to look in here."
"He will if I'm not out there working!" I complained. -seriously I should have just shut up and let my rescue angel rescue me.
"I'll take care of it. Just rest." He flashed a smile at me.
"You don't know what to do!"
"I know what to do." he assured me. "Rest." he shut the door, and with a click, it locked.

Wow. I remember thinking before I fell unconscious. Prince Charming just came to my rescue.


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