Sunday, September 15, 2013

If I had been in Isabelle's shoes when Maille returned to the room, I would have immediately known that she was hiding something. Maille as caring as she is, had no head for being sneaky. If you want to hide something, you have to act normal. Maille wasn't acting normal. She opened the door so slowly that an army of snails could have slimed their way through the entrance before, she stepped through. And peering her head around the corner of the door, like she was entering a strange place. Also very suspicious.

Maille breathed out a loud sigh of relief. "She's taking a shower."
I had no idea what that meant, though I could hear the sound of rushing water elsewhere. 
"That gives me time to hide you." She continued to hug me close to her chest as she went about this new place full of strange smells and sounds. Had I been well, I would have been afire to explore every nook and cranny, stuffing my cheeks with any food thing I could find.  
Instead, I was content to be held in her hands. If I had to feel sick, at least I would be warm.

"No, no, ugh, she'd find you there. What about, no. Huh maybe, oh no. Why did I have to move into a place with no good hiding places!"
She'd looked into nearly every nook and cranny, talking to herself the whole time.
"Wait! That might help!" I heard beeps and a whirring sound. "There. This should help you stay warm little one," Maille gleefully said as she took me away from the sound of her heart, to lay me on something soft and very warm.
"I used this to relax stress muscles, maybe it can help you relax too little one." (It was a heat pack of sorts)
In truth, it felt wonderful. Rather quickly I stopped quaking, my muscles relaxing enough to uncurl me from the ball I'd been in. "That's it! Hold, on let me get you some meds. I think I have time."

If only Isabelle would have taken her shower a little bit quicker, I would have avoided that part. Because the sound of the shower stopped just after she dosed me with the bitter stuff. Which meant I didn't get my mouth rinsed out with water.

"Oh! She's out. Please, stay still and quiet little one. You don't want her to find you." Maille hurriedly pulled out a chair and using it to reach higher, placed me on top of a wooden smelling place (the kitchen cabinets), in the back corner, where one wall was white and the other was black (the refrigerator.) "The lip of this should hide you. Just don't move."

I wasn't going to. I was in a warm place. If not by her heart, it was the next best thing, and I knew that wouldn't be possible while I had to be in the same room with 'Isabelle.' I couldn't even lift a paw at this point, I wasn't about to blow my hiding spot when I couldn't get away.

~Martin Elek 

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