Thursday, September 26, 2013

Another Post

I've stayed pretty low in the school radar since my Mom got sick.
I guess aloof would be a better word.
People didn't bother me, and I didn't bother them.
I've heard people call me untouchable, but that's because they don't know me.
Those who do know me, know that they can always find my help in the school library during lunch time. That's where I catch up on homework. And even with the crazy life I lead, I find a distinct pleasure in teaching. Maybe, when my mom gets better, and I don't have to work like crazy...I will be able to go to college and earn my teaching degree.

But now.
That's changed.
My life has become a nightmare in the one place where I thought I could live in reality. Apparently, you can't do that, when you're no longer 'untouchable.'
Apparently people feel jipped that they thought I was this 'cool' guy.
Apparently, delivering pizza doesn't make you cool.

At least not in Annalina Aileen's eyes. 


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