Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We Found Steel! Part 3

"Captured? Ha. Ah, No, sorry. I'm not a hero. I'm just really lost." I managed.
If I had any powers then I would totally have loved that Surge thought I was a hero. Instead. I was just a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time. Without powers. In Surge's grip. This would have been a great time to suddenly discover I had super strength like Steel.
Surge raised an eyebrow. He didn't have to say anything. He wouldn't be much of a villain if he couldn't recognize his own creation.
I swallowed hard. This guy was intimidating. "Look, I don't want trouble."
"Yet, you break into my building."
"Ah, right." I wish he would put me down. I really didn't like just hanging in his grip. Shouldn't he have been running from Steel or something? Yet, it seemed like he was ready to hold me for the rest of eternity. "But hey. This could work out for both of us."
"I doubt it." He said calmly.
Well, that created instant chills. "No! Really! I mean, you've been looking for the collar, I have it. I totally don't want it. You can have it back and we both leave here happier then when we came in."
He showed me the tips of his pointy black teeth in a small smile. "I haven't been looking for it."
"Of course you, wait you haven't?"
He shook his head the barest of millimeters possible to even make it a movement.
It dawned on me. "You knew where it was the whole time!" Then it really hit me. He knew where the collar was the whole time. All this icing time. Yet he'd done nothing with it? What was this guy planning!
Amusement flashed through his blood colored eyes. "A hero that actually thinks. Impressive  for one being trained in the tower."
He knew where I'd been.
"Well, yah, whatever. Look, this collar isn't doing either one of us any good. It must have gotten broken."
"It works fine." He adjusted his grip on my collar and I convulsed as an electric shock coursed through me. He chuckled. "Oh yes, it's working just fine."
He'd just! I had no idea, but it had HURT. I struggled (finally, what took me so long?) to get out of his grip. I guess fear finally took control of my head. I mean, he'd just shocked me. By adjusting his grip on the stupid controlling collar. Wait. That meant. Control. "Are you trying to control me?" I demanded. Had he been controlling me the whole time without me realizing it?
He smirked. "You haven't felt control yet, hero."


--> Issac

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