Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Where Is He?

Steel is still missing.

And I'm exhausted. Everyone is searching for him. I mean, without Steel, the tower will basically fall to pieces. He's the only member of the council left. And nobody can find him. The last record that the technos have of him, was of him flying from the tower towards the eastern side of the city.  Nearly a week ago. He hasn't been seen since.
It's like the President of the United States going missing. It's a big deal. Everyone is on the verge of panic.
And everyone who can leave the tower, has. To search for him.
Even me. 
Under cover, disguised. Heroes are mingling among the normal people, searching for any icing news of him.
So far. Nothing.
There's no sign of him, it's like he's flown into the Bermuda Triangle.

Obviously Surge is part of this. Who else could possibly make him disappear!

It's so icing crazy though. The battles between the two of them have never lasted this long. Never.

Something has gone wrong.
And if we can't figure out where Steel is.....


--> Issac

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