Friday, September 6, 2013

Just Settle Down!

It's been a bit.
And the birds still freak out every time I have to reach into their cages.
Feathers flying everywhere.
It's like I have to go through a hurricane everyday.
And those doves.
They're the worst.
I'm a bit afraid to go near them now.
Because they get so worked up about me entering their cage,
that they've run into the glass more then once.
And I'm worried they're going to seriously hurt themselves.
You'd think they'd learn by now that I just reach into the cage to clean out the food and water.
I mean, nobody really buys the doves.
These guys have been here for months so I hear from the others.
Yet they freak out every time.

I wish they understood English. Then I'd just tell them I'm not going to hurt them.
You know, if I could speak...because I'm sure if I opened my mouth at all it would be full of feathers.


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