Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Pirate's Day!

Arr Mateys! I be throwen down da anchor of me ship until the tides be right once more. Then, tis off to gets me buried treasure!!!

Hey guys! I'm totally taking a break from recapping my meeting Prince Charming right now because unless you've been living under a rock you totally know that IT'S PIRATE DAY! It's like the...well third most popular holiday after Christmas and Halloween! Seriously.
So much excitement that has been rolling through the town since yesterday evening.
I'm sure it's soon to become a three day holiday.
Celebrations today totally take the cake compared to the other holidays.

Alright, Alright, just in case you have been living under a rock.
Pirate day is a holiday full of fun and pleasure.
For kids, it means Gold Dollars hidden around parks, in houses, all over the place.
For adults. Well, It's still Gold. Gold BRICKS!
Alright, not brick sized bricks. They're more like a twix chocolate bar size brick. But still! It's gold! Real shiny, rich gold.
The catch?
Well. It's 'buried.' Hundreds upon thousands of boxes hidden around town.

You see everyone above the age of 18, receives a number card a couple of days before Pirate's Day.
Each gold brick has a number stamped on it.
Just after the end of the Pirate's Parade at dawn, the search begins! If you find the lockbox containing your number before the sun sets, you get to keep the gold.
If you can't find it. You don't get it.
But! What makes it even more fun?
Once the sun sets, it's every pirate for themselves! Any unclaimed lockboxes will open to any number card. So it becomes an intense 'battle' to get as much gold as you can. So if you come across other lock boxes while searching for your own, you can take mental note of where it is, and hope it's still there when the sun sets. Some people get really into it. Cameras and all sorts of techy stuff to 'watch' unclaimed boxes.
And the person in town who gathers the most gold, gets a huge reward at the end. It changes every year to keep the suspense up. Totally awesome!
I mean, this one day you can totally strike it rich!
And if you don't find anything...well nothing bad happens. It's just a missed opportunity.

Still, I don't want to miss this opportunity!

Arr Matey! I'm off to find me treasure!...and you know go to a bunch of parties tonight as well!

Happy Pirates Day!


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