Sunday, September 8, 2013

We Found Steel! Part 2

You know the problem with being in a possible secret lair or trap of Surge's? I couldn't be one of those nincomninnys in the movies that go around yelling "Hello? Anyone there? Helloooo?" I mean, who'd want to be that sort of person? I was on my own here. Powerless. And if Surge caught me, I would basically be a mind controlled slave by the end of the hour. Not Good.
I really should have been better at staying close to Devoto. Because he had more brains then I gave him credit for. Devoto hadn't cared that he hadn't brought in a flash light. Why? Because he had powers. He could use them for a variety of reasons. Like leaving a trail. Just like Hansel and Gretel. Only, he left it as an ice slick along the walls, in the shape of continuous arrows. Kinda like the sort you see in those race car games that make your car go faster. But with that, he could tell which direction to go to get back to the window.
Me? I had nothing. No powers, no lights, nothing. If I didn't run into Devoto anytime soon, well I'd be wandering around those floors until I was 98.
But then I saw something. Something red and yellow. I couldn't tell if it was a big something far away, or a small something close by. But, like any icing dummy in a movie, I went towards it. At least I could see something right?
In reality I should have gone a totally different way. Aren't we constantly yelling at the people on the screen not to go towards the light? Well. I didn't have the benefit of an audience. I went towards that red yellow light.
Ran straight into Surge.
Evil, creepy silvery grey skin, and those red eyes. So reminiscent to the ones that I have, courtesy of the stupid collar around my neck. It didn't matter that he was a head and a half shorter then me. This guy had the presence of a giant.
And I'd run straight into him! Though I didn't know it was him until he clicked on a glow light in his hands.
Super creepy. The guy glows red and yellow in the dark! How was this not mentioned in the comic books? Do all bad guys have evil glows to, so it's not worth mentioning or something?

I backed quickly away, but he caught hold of me with his jointed metal rod like fingers, by the collar.
"Well." He said, in a deep voice like rolling thunder. "What do we have here? An intruder?"
My response isn't worth repeating. "Mehahamlaaam" yah, totally a lame super hero response. But I mean. It was SURGE! Evil bad guy! Source of my collar, nemesis to Steel. I'd read so much about him and his crazy battles around the city. His plans. It was totally a combination of being starstruck, and scared out my icing wits. This was my nightmare come true!
His evil red eyes focused on my collar and he grinned. Showing blackened pointy teeth. Something else the comic books failed to show. "Ah. So you're what I captured." he said not at all surprised that the collar wasn't supposedly under a pile of concrete. He held me at arms length, my feet barely touching the ground. "A young hero" he sneered.



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