Saturday, September 14, 2013

He's Good. Real Good.

The sound of the key in the lock, stirred me back to wakefulness.
I opened my eyes just as my Prince Charming stepped in, looking totally dashing in our work uniform that I'd always thought was ugly. But then again, I'd only seen it on Tristen...
In any case.
"I'm just switching out the food and water for the birds." He said, carefully stepping around me. "Don't move."
"I'm not moving." I said, my voice sounding hoarse.
He flashed one of those heart melting smiles at me. "Good."
"How long have I been out?"
"Harvey will be arriving soon."
I did a mental calculation. That meant. I'd been out for only a couple of hours. "What still needs to be done?" I asked pushing myself up on an elbow, for like a second. My vision went blurry and I quickly laid back down. Right, don't move.
"This is the last of it." He said as he swiftly switched out the food and water, without spilling a drop.
I stared at him incredulously. "That's not possible."
"You're a good teacher."
"What about the bedding changes!"
"The hamster?"
"But we don't have any extra cages!"
"The cage is fine."
It shouldn't be, I heard the glass breaking. But I couldn't go out and check. I shook my head. "I don't believe you. It's not possible. To open that quickly."
"You're a good teacher."
"I don't remember teaching you!"
He laughed under his breath. "True." He shut the last cage. "The birds will alert you if anyone besides me comes close." He whistled three notes, and the parakeets responded in kind. "And whatever you do, if you hear Harvey yelling your name. Don't respond. I'll take care of it."

Personally, I was still trying to comprehend how he'd finished everything in under two hours. Harvey showed up an hour and a half before the store opened. Even with help, we wouldn't be ready til after the store opened. He had to have forgotten something. "Are you sure you got everything--"
"Yes, Don't worry about it Karen. Everything is ready."
"If you're joshing with me." I threatened.
"I'll bring you a box of chocolates." he promised. (that was so sweet! Just a thing Prince Charming would do.)  "Again, the birds will warn you if anyone is nearby. But for now, just rest."

"Birds...right." he was crazy. The birds hated me. "Harvey's going to ask where I am, birds or no birds."
"Like I said, I'll take care of it. He won't even know you're sick." He stepped out, shutting the door before I could respond.

He probably was getting tired of me not believing him. But really. How could I? Even in my sick state I did know one thing. I'd never seen this guy at work before.


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