Saturday, September 28, 2013

We Found Steel! Part 5

I ran as hard as I could. Now that I'd found myself a 'flashlight' in my glowing hands, I could see the walls, allowing me to run in near darkness without worrying about knocking myself out on a wall or anything.
It was the other traps I had to worry about. The sudden falls down to the next floors, the surprise rocket elevators up to the ceiling. I totally felt like I was acing this action movie. And I was doing amazing! Rolling, ducking, running. Compared to the utterly dismal showing earlier with Surge, this had to be an improvement as long as I--
I skidded to a halt upon catching sight of a glowing mass in front of me. Glowing mass. Red and Yellow. SURGE. Automatically I shot off a blast of red. Surge retaliated with---a blast of ice?

"Yo! Sac! Watch where you're aiming that! You nearly took our heads off." A familiar voice called out of the darkness.

I gasped from the cold shock. trying to get feeling back into my frozen arm, as I ducked back around the corner. "Devoto?" How did he know it was me?
"Who else would be in this building? Where are you? Get over here and help me with Steel."

All other thought went out of my head. "You found him? He's actually here?"

"I'm here, Issac." Steel replied.
I knew then something bad had happened. Because I recognized his voice, but, it didn't have the same sort of quality to it. He sounded weak.

I wasn't the complete fool. I didn't rush right out to help him. I peered around the corner long enough to see that the one big glowing blob actually was two people, one supporting the other.

"Steel? Devoto?"

"You know you can just call me Danny. That works too. Are you going to help me out or just shoot heat lasers at me?"

"I wouldn't do that, on purpose." I muttered. because you know, I might hit have hit Steel. "What happened? How'd you find him? And how did you know it was me?" I asked coming forward. "No, wait." I slipped one of Steel's arms over my shoulder. "Tell me later, Surge is after me!"

"Surge?" Danny said. He didn't sound like he believed me.
"Yes, Surge!"
"Did he hurt you, Sac?" Steel asked. Even up close he didn't sound good. His skin felt chilled as well, though that might just be from his proximity to Danny.

"No. Well, yah, kinda. I'll explain later. We should really keep moving." This guy probably was watching us now. I kept my head on a swivel for any other glowing figures moving towards us.

"How about we move outside?" Danny replied. "Sac, can you cut a hole through the walls?"

A hole in the wall? I felt like hitting myself. Here I was with powers, and I didn't even think about that! Of course I didn't know I had these powers to begin with, but with Surge, I totally needed to work on thinking on my feet. "Guess we're about to find out." I said lifting a glowing hand to the nearest wall.


--> Issac

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