Monday, September 16, 2013

Seeing Double

Well, that was an unpleasant way to wake me back up. My head might have been aching before, but now it had a nice accompaniment of a little thunderhead sending lightning bolts through my skull. "Great, Harvey." I muttered rubbing the back of my head. "Just what I wanted, thanks."
I opened my mouth to respond.
"Yah, Harvey?"
I froze. That was my voice. My voice. But I hadn't spoken.
"What took you so long?"
"So long? Like two minutes. I had to finish catching fish, you know how difficult the Buenos Aires are to net." My voice told him.
No, he didn't know that. Harvey stayed away from any chore related to the fish. Yet, I would have given that same reply. What was going on here?!
"I have a client, a rich client, coming in for some parakeets. She wants the mellowest ones we have. Two of each color, one male, one female. Hop to it!"
"You gotta be kidding me."
Seriously! Personally, I considered all parakeets to be vicious. I doubted there was a 'mellow one' in the bunch. Not to mention I would be ignoring all the other customers trying to get other pets that entire time!
"You have twenty minutes." he said in his 'I'm being really serious' voice. Of course, Harvey was always serious. But you know. Famous client. It had to mean more serious then normal.
"Sure, I'll see what I can do, Harvey." my voice replied. I could totally imagine my doppelganger rolling her eyes as well. I was doing it for sure. I could just picture my hands all bloodied up from trying to handle the birds to see who was 'mellowest.'

The door to the enclosure rattled, as the door unlocked. I tensed. I mean, come on, I'd heard my own voice out there! Unless my hearing had gone wonky, or I was dead, I would be meeting someone who sounded just like me!

Or...looked exactly like me.
I gasped as....well as I stepped through the door. Quickly closing it behind me, them, her?

The clone rolled her eyes as she caught sight of me. "I should have expected that you'd wake up. He does have a voice like a fog horn." She said.
"I--I--I'm dreaming." I managed.
She shook her head. "No, but that would have been a good explanation." She suddenly shimmered in front of my eyes, like a mirage in the desert, and...

Prince Charming stood before me.
"Oh...kay...Now I know I'm dreaming."
He smirked, kneeling to open the parakeet cage. "You feeling better?"
"Until I just saw you do that! How did you? That's not possible!"
He shrugged. "It's possible for me."
'But how? Why!"
"You needed help. I'm here to help." He held out his arm and whistled. And like a Disney movie, two parakeets of every color flew out of the cage to perch on his arm. Just like Harvey had asked. And I bet they would be as mellow as a marshmellow when this 'famous' lady came by to pick them up.

"Where were you when I had to clean out all the cages then?" I demanded. And yes, I was totally jealous that the birds weren't trying to peck his eyes out.
Amusement flashed through his chocolaty eyes. "Around." He said encouraging the birds to go into the carrier he'd brought in with him.
"Well great, remind me to yell for you whenever someone wants a bird...what's your name?" I couldn't really yell for Prince Charming, Harvey would think I'd gone totally mad then.

He opened his mouth,
And of course Harvey had to interrupt.
Prince Charming shimmered into me. "WHAT!"
I shivered. "Oh, that's weird."
"Are you done?" Harvey called.
"Almost! Hold on!" He faded back into...well I'm guessing it was his normal self. "It's Hatch. And I got to go." In a flash he was back to looking like me and out the door.


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