Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Reveal

I grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet. "Lets go outside." I said in a low voice, conscious that my mom was still in the house.
"In case this goes sour, I don't want my mom freaking out." I said only half teasing.
"What? She doesn't like arm wrestling?" He asked following me outside.
I chuckled. "We're not wrestling Jake. You showed me your secret, I can show you mine."
I admit, I was nervous. There have been more then one incident where 'friends' had left me in hysterics after seeing my eyes. After all these years, I've gotten used to it. But it does still hurt my mom to see me not make friends easily.  Hence her surprise at having Jake here.
"I doubt what I'm going to see will be worse then my scar." He commented, after a moment.
I chuckled. "No, it's not anything like that."
"So either I'm going to stare at you and ask 'why are you even wearing sunglasses?' or I just might go running down the street screaming my head of?"
"Pretty much." I turned to face him. "I don't always have to wear the sunglasses when I move. Some people can handle it."
Jake visibly steeled himself. "What are we waiting for? I can handle this."
I could believe he could handle my eyes, but that was only the tip of the iceberg of secrets I was keeping. I nodded. "I'm trusting you will."

As casually as I could, I reached up and removed my sunglasses.
Revealing my inhuman golden colored eyes.

Jake visibly paled, making the burn on his face stand out even more. "Wow." he managed. "That's...that's..."
"Weird?" I supplied. "Inhuman, demonic, crazy. Trust me, I've heard the gambit when it comes to descriptive words."

Strangely enough he relaxed. "Demonic was what I first thought. Though gold isn't as bad as the blood red vortexes of doom I had been picturing."
"Vortexes of doom?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. "That's a new one."
He ran his left hand through his hair. "Hey, the mind comes up with crazy things. I also considered Medusa, and black holes that suck away the soul."

I grinned. "Let me guess, You expected me to suck your blood too?"
He shrugged. "The thought crossed my mind when you asked to come outside."

I shrugged. "It's not as...intense to see my eyes in natural light."

"Not as intense? How can your eyes get more intense?"

"They tend to...glow in dimmer environments."

Catchya on the Flip Side!


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