Monday, September 9, 2013

That Was Unexpected

A dude came into the store today.
Big beefy guy. Looks like he wrestles for a living.
And you want to know what he bought?
Not a big spiky collar for a mean looking dog.
He bought six hummingbird feeders and the liquidy stuff that goes into it.
Talk about a deceiving appearance!
The guy is obsessed with hummingbirds.
Apparently he's a photographer/painter and just loves luring all the hummingbirds in the area to him.
It's amazing actually. He showed me a couple of pictures he'd done in water color that he'd taken on his phone. A-may-zing!
He told me that I should come to the park on corner of Salem and Main  in a couple of weeks. That's when the hummingbirds flock to the area. He's just trying to catch the early birds now.
You know, I think I might do it. I want to see these small flying birds.
I just hope they don't get it in their little heads to put a hundred little feathers in my hair like the birds in the store like to do.

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