Monday, July 29, 2013

A Possible Reason

Maybe the answer is his Temper. Because the Captain sure has a pair of lungs on him for being so small. For sure, he's the worst out of the toddler councilors. Always crying, always demanding 'more!', always being the messiest, and if he doesn't get his way, another table or chair is turned to dust under his hands!
Perhaps the Captain wasn't as clear headed as Steel.
That still doesn't answer my question as to why Surge switched. Don't the bad guys want a flawed super hero? It would make it easier for them to win, that's for icing sure. Why pick cleared headed Steel then?


--> Issac 


  1. Replies
    1. But what is the challenge? That's the main question.

  2. Dude, it's driving me crazy too. Megan might have a point, but still--boredom versus maintaining the functionality of one's internal organs... He'd need a spectacular reason to risk it all.

    1. I don't know Thomas, I think Surge isn't as concerned about his organs. I think his grey skin must have some sort of protective agent or something. I mean, if you look carefully in the comics it's hinted at. "That blow should have dislocated his jaw, but Surge smiled as he got back to his feet. Not even wincing in pain." is an three bubble sequence example found in the 23rd issue. Steel is strong enough to crush a car into a ball, yet he can't dislocated Surge's jaw? There has to be something up with him. Maybe his grey skin is more then just a color.

    2. Though your comment about being bored has made me think. What if Surge switched from The Captain because he got bored with him? If that's so, then Steel is doubly cool for managing to keep Surge's interest for so many years!

  3. Replies
    1. How about you go find another song that 'perfectly fits' you and Sonic, Iris? Thomas and I seem to be onto something here.
