Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My world suddenly rocked. My eyes barely opened enough to see the light above my head moving back and forth in sickening manner, before I shut them tight. No. No, I wanted no motion. No motion at all. I heard a sniff a time or two, and felt something wet drop onto my head. My ears moved in an automatic response to get the wetness off of me.
A little squeak escaped me as my stomach flew up into my mouth and back down in sequence with a loud bang.
It took me a moment to realize that the rocking motion had stopped, in a rather painful manner. She'd dropped my cage, not on purpose, in surprise.

Something rustled in the wood shavings nearby me, moving my companions about. I shivered as something a soft finger ran down my back. A soft gasp. "Are you still alive?" she whispered?

Well...I was breathing wasn't I? Right? After so much sudden movement and being dropped, I couldn't actually tell. Maybe I'd gone to heaven.

It smelt like heaven that's for sure. A combination of bananas and lilacs, surrounded me as gentle fingers burrowed underneath my limp body.

The difference between her hands and Howard's hands were like night and day. Insomuch that I even if I had the energy to bite, I don't think I would have bitten her.

Her fingers gently ran down my back as she lifted me away from my companions. "It's okay little one." she said. "Just relax. I'll keep you safe."

She turned me over. Too see if I had Wet Tail, which I did. I briefly opened my eyes once more and caught a glimpse of the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Full of concern and worry. Concern. Not Hatred. It was comforting, and instinctively I trusted her.

"Hold on." she said as I closed my eyes. "Just hold on little one, and I'll try to save you. I won't let Howard get you too."

Martin Elek

1 comment:

  1. Oh, things just took a veeeery interesting twist...
