Thursday, July 11, 2013

~And how's our little fishy thief doing this morning?~ She asked.

I barely twitched a fin. Keeping my body in it's 'sleeping' state, didn't take much effort. But too much stimulus could 'wake' it up, and send me off into the fishy contentment I've mentioned over the past couple of posts. I wasn't truly asleep. Being a fish, some part of me was always active to make sure I was still getting oxygen through my gills. Lucky me, I was able to think more human during these 'sleeping hours.' And plan. I didn't have the trouble of a three second memory when I was technically sleeping.

~I would be better if you'd tell me where the others are.~ I replied.

Her soft laughter echoed through my mind. ~They're still here in the store.~

~But what are they?~

~Not fish.~

~Tell me.~

She leaned against the glass. ~It's odd, you all ask that same question. Where is everyone. I've never seen such a tight nit group. Most thieves are out for themselves.~

~We aren't most thieves.~ I retorted.

~True.~ She grinned at me. ~Which makes this all the more fun.~

I decided to try a different tack. ~How long are we going to be stuck here?~

~Until what was stolen is repaid in full.~

I hated her crypticness. Couldn't she just give me a straight answer? Just once. The 'sail' fin (my name for it) along my back rose in a flash of anger before I could control myself. I didn't want to wake up yet.

~Please...I don't understand.~

She tilted her head. ~No longer demanding are we?~

I wish I had hands then, to throttle her. I wanted answers, not questions to my questions.

Cool. I needed to be cool. ~I'm trying to get answers.~

~Is it working?~

~Obviously not.~

She laughed pushing away from the glass. ~Then you aren't paying attention fishy thief.~

~What am I supposed to be paying attention to?~

~Back to demanding I see.~

I mentally threw up my hands. ~What do you want from me?~

~Well, a name for starters. That way I can decide if I like fishy thief better.~

~If I tell you, can I get an answer.~

~Depends on your question.~

My sail fin flared again. ~It's Henry.~

~Henry? Hmm, I think I might like fish thief better.~

Too bad I couldn't roll my eyes. Girls. ~What determines how long we're here?~ I asked as patiently as I could.

 ~What items you stole of course.~ She said it so matter of factly.

~Those are at our hideout.~

She shook her head. ~No, we have them here in the store.~

~That's not possible!~ They couldn't know where our hideout was!

~You being a fish isn't possible either fishy thief.~

True. I had to think. What items we stole? ~Why does that matter, what we stole? Can't you just give me a straight answer? I want to understand.~

~So you can avoid something like this in the future?~

~I don't know, are there more of you out there?~ I asked sarcastically.

~Of course.~

Oh great. Another factor to worry about when planning robberies. I'd worry about that later. Right now, I just wanted the pieces to this puzzle! ~Well no. then. I just want to know how long I'll be here, how long we'll be here. I don't want to be a fish for forever.~

~Well you won't be. Take comfort in that.~
She flicked on the lights of the fish tank. Startling me into motion before I could formulate a reply. My fishy attention span taking over in an instant.


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