Sunday, July 21, 2013

So Everything Isn't Normal Here

This town is weird. I mean weirder then the weird of weird towns. It's the weirdness of weird of being too normal that it's weird. Only, there are little hiccups in this town, that do show that it's not as 'normal' as everyone tries to pretend it is.
For one thing, this place is a popular spot for rock climbing. Insomuch, that the school actually teaches classes on how to climb safely. It's required. Which I think is pretty awesome. It's like the required swimming classes in other schools I've been in. But rock climbing. And rock climbing is pretty cool. Sure, the wall they have in the gym is pretty fake, but those who 'graduate' off the wall, get to go on actual rock climbing trips every other weekend.
It wasn't difficult for me to 'graduate' I mean. You learn the rules, keep them, manage to climb to top of one of the harder walls without killing yourself and walla. You're golden.

Only there are some people here who are having difficulties advancing in the class.
A couple of them are legitimately scared of heights. There is one girl here that can barely climb a set of stairs without getting into a tizzy about how high up she is. If it gets extreme enough she gets hysterical at having to lift her foot twelve inches to reach the next stair. Weird much? Totally.
I mean, it's stairs. You climb them. You're higher. Just don't look over the banister or out a window and everything should be fine right? Well, apparently not for them.

Maybe they should try wearing sunglasses.
It darkens the area a bit and skews your depth perception as well.
That might help them.
Or make it worse.
All I know, is that convincing the teacher to let me keep my 'prescription' sunglasses on during climbing was more difficult then the actual climbing while wearing them.

Catcha on the Flip Side!



  1. Why were you trying to convince your gym teacher to let you wear sunglasses if you're not afraid of heights?

  2. My eyes are a bit sensitive to light. So I need to wear the sunglasses to help me function more normally. Unsurprisingly, most teachers don't believe that I need to wear them. Therefore, it takes some convincing.
