Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yes, I Snuck Out, But I'm Not Dangerous

To those wondering why I'm sneaking out of the tower, coughIriscough, it's not because I'm being controlled by Surge.
I snuck out to return to the scene of the battle where I ended up with this collar around my neck. It was a faint hope that I'd just happen across the remote control to the collar (or my backpack.) But I thought I'd poke around and see what I could see. No such luck. The place is already under construction, being rebuilt as an out door mall or something. It was a faint hope anyway. Who knows what the remote looks like. It could have been disguised as a brick for all I know.

I wish I could have found it though. Just once I'd like to show everyone that I can do something the other heroes can't. I wish I could have returned saying that I found the remote!

Of course, thinking about it now, I probably would have gotten into trouble for sneaking out of the tower in the first place and risking lives and blah blah blah.
Though technically, they never said I couldn't leave the tower for short periods of time. I mean I did it all the time when the fliers were trying to scare me into flying by tossing me out of a window on the top floor.


--> Issac


  1. What would you do if Surge were to control you though? Dude, you could get into the next comics!!

  2. So that's what you were doing by the Tagger Arena! Dude. That is totally idiotic. But I'm also impressed.
